
Chagall, Picasso, Mondrian, and Others: Migrant Artists in Paris highlights the contributions of both renowned and emerging immigrant artists in Paris from 1900 to 1950. We developed the identity and promotional assets for the exhibition.

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam


Our mixed-media approach led to the development of a cohesive, collage-based style that brings unity to all promotional materials, thereby establishing a distinct identity for the exhibition and enhancing its online presence.

Historical film

Among the deliverables was a short documentary made out of historical footage. Besides the poster we created a short film that uses a combination of collage animation and historical footage to offer an overview of the most important events of the period, and the relation with artists and their art. The film was shown to visitors when entering the exhibition. We were allowed to use Stravinsky's Petrouchka, recorded by the Concertgebouworkest, as a counterpart to the visuals. We added subtle sounddesign when needed.


We developed a diverse set of assets for the exhibition, including teasers, social media content, exhibition posters and materials, as well as a short historical film.

Online, cinema
Animated loops
Social media
Historical film
On site
Poster and print


Wim Dijksterhuis
Direction & Animation
Jeen Berting
Art direction & illustration
Jeff Moberg
Music & Sounddesign

Get in touch

Tell a coherent story with all your promotional material.